Airport Information

KGEG - Spokane Intl Airport

KGEG 230553Z 15012KT 10SM BKN038 BKN048 OVC100 04/02 A2989 RMK AO2 RAE25 SLP132 4/003 P0001 60009 T00390017 10067 20039 58011

  • General Information

  • Coordinates: N 47°37'11"/ W 117°32'1"
  • Location: 5 miles SW of Spokane, Washington on 6140 acres of land.
  • Surveyed Elevation: 2376 MSL


Flow Name Active Runways Conditions
Runway 3 Landing: 3
Departing: 3
Wind Direction: 119-300°
Wind Speed: >10
Calm Wind Landing: 21
Departing: 21
Wind Direction: 000-360°
Wind Speed: <10 or CALM

Green background denotes normal operations.

Common Frequencies

Callsign Frequency Position Name
GEG_DEL 127.55 Spokane Clearance Delivery
GEG_GND 121.9 Spokane Ground
GEG_TWR 118.3 Spokane Tower
GEG_APP/GEG_DEP 123.75 Spokane Approach/Departure

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