Airport Information

KPDX - Portland Intl Airport

KPDX 251122Z 00000KT 8SM R10R/5000VP6000FT MIFG FEW004 12/11 A3012 RMK AO2 T01220111

  • General Information

  • Coordinates: N 45°35'19"/ W 122°35'50"
  • Location: 4 miles NE of Portland, Oregon on 3000 acres of land.
  • Surveyed Elevation: 30 MSL


Flow Name Active Runways Conditions
West Flow Landing: 28L/28R
Departing: 28L/28R
Wind Direction: 189-010°
Wind Speed: >5
East Flow Landing: 10L/10R
Departing: 10L/10R
Wind Direction: 011-188°
Wind Speed: ≤5 or CALM

Green background denotes normal operations.

Common Frequencies

Callsign Frequency Position Name
PDX_DEL 120.120 Portland Delivery
PDX_GND 121.900 Portland Ground
PDX_TWR 123.770 Portland Combined Tower
PDX_APP 124.350 Portland Combined Approach
KPDX_ATIS 128.350 Portland ATIS

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