Document Information
Version 3
Created 12/31/2015 21:57
Last Updated 01/05/2023 03:38
by Matthew Woerly


SOP_102 is the primary authority for handling KVUO traffic. This document provides additional details.

I. Preface

Note: This document is and may not be used for real-world ATC training. It is intended for use by controllers in the VATSIM network.

Purpose: This guide outlines the procedures to be used by all ZSE controllers to understand and apply positive controller coordination and proper procedures of runway crossing requirements and coordination.

Pearson Field is a small field under the Portland Intl Class C airspace with no local air traffic control services. However, due to the proximity of the field, Portland controllers will provide traffic in the field with traffic advisories and instructions to maintain a safe, orderly, and expeditious flow of traffic.

II. Controller Responsibility

The Portland Clearance Delivery controller has a secondary responsibility for their normal operations to provide Pearson Field traffic with any IFR clearances that may be requested. This responsibility may be transferred to the next highest controller if the Clearance Delivery position is closed.

III. Clearance

An IFR clearance requested from Pearson Field will be handled as any other clearance, with particular changes added to the standard phraseology. Regardless of the first point on the pilot's filed route, departures should be cleared via the Battleground VOR and then as filed. The ODP (per the chart or issued to the pilot per SOP) will send them to BTG and then on course.

Pearson does not have any SIDs, but it has an Obstacle Departure Procedure that helps pilots to safely depart. The Delivery controller should confirm whether the pilot has this procedure. If they have the published ODP, the clearance will be: “Cleared to AIRPORT as filed. Depart via the Pearson obstacle departure procedure.” If they do NOT have the published ODP, the clearance will be: “Cleared to AIRPORT as filed, fly runway heading, leaving 600’ proceed direct BTG.” These instructions will be equivalent to assigning the ODP.

All initial altitudes from the field will be 4,000 feet. Portland Final is responsible for this airspace and will handle all departures on 126.900. If Portland Final is closed, then the next available radar controller (Portland Approach on 124.350, Seattle Center on 135.450) will handle the departures on their frequency. After a correct read back, aircraft must be instructed to hold for release and to contact the appropriate controller when ready.

IV. Clearance Example

The following example has an aircraft, callsign Piper N621AD, requesting IFR clearance to Seattle. He has filed BTG V495 SEA as his route and requested a final cruising altitude of 14,000 feet. This example assumes that Portland Final is open and the pilot has indicated they have the ODP on board.

N621AD: Portland Clearance, Piper 621AD requesting IFR clearance to Seattle.

PDX_DEL: Piper 621AD, Portland Clearance. Cleared to Seattle-Tacoma Airport as filed. Depart via the Pearson obstacle departure procedure. Maintain 4,000, expect one-four thousand, five minutes after departure. Departure frequency 126.9, squawk XXXX.

N621AD: Piper 1AD is cleared to Sea-Tac Airport as filed. Maintaining 4,000, expecting one-four, thousand five minutes after departure. Departure frequency 126.9, squawking XXXX.

PDX_DEL: Piper 1AD, read back correct. Hold for release, contact Portland Departure on 126.9 when ready for departure. Good day.

V. Research and Reference Material

FAA JO 7110.65AA Chapter 4 Section 3, Paragraph 2 — Departure Clearances