Document Information
Version 2
Created 12/02/2015 18:56
Last Updated 11/24/2020 22:08
by Finn Hutter

Roster Removal Policy



Version 2

Air Traffic Manager

Amended 2018-10-25, changes noted in bold font.




This ARTCC Policy Statement (APS) describes the policy regarding removal from the VATUSA Seattle ARTCC Active Controller Roster.




This APS shall be maintained, revised updated, or canceled by the VATUSA Seattle ARTCC Air Traffic Manager and shall be effective unless there is a conflict with the VATSIM/VATUSA policies in which case they shall supersede these policies.




This APS is applicable to all VATUSA Seattle ARTCC controllers and visiting controllers.




APS-007 v1.00 dated 6/1/2009 is canceled.

APS-007 v1.01 dated 5/1/2010 is canceled.

APS-007 v1.01 dated 10/1/2013 is canceled.

APS-007 v1.01 dated 10/1/2013 renamed APS 004 v1.01 effective 10/1/2013.

APS-004 v1.01 is canceled.




In order to maintain a roster of active and conscientious controllers, this policy sets forth conditions for removal from the roster.




a. Definition of removal:

For purposes of this policy, “removed from the roster” shall mean:


i. In the case of VATUSA Seattle ARTCC Home Controllers – The controllers will be administratively removed from the VATUSA Seattle ARTCC Active Controller Roster and placed in the VATUSA “removed” roster by the Air Traffic Manager (ATM) or Deputy Air Traffic Manager (DATM), and removed from the Local VATUSA Seattle ARTCC Active Controller Roster by the ATM/DATM. This action will also remove privileges to control any position within VATUSA Seattle ARTCC.


ii. In the case of VATUSA Seattle ARTCC Visiting Controllers – The controller will be administratively removed from the Local VATUSA Seattle ARTCC Active Controller Roster by the ATM/DATM. This action will also remove privileges to control any position with VATUSA Seattle ARTCC.


b. Removal for Non-Compliance of policies and/or procedures:


i. A controller may be removed from the roster at the discretion of the ATM/DATM after one or more reports of failure to comply with any VATSIM, VATUSA, VATUSA Seattle ARTCC policy or procedure has been submitted to the ATM/DATM by a VATSIM Network Supervisor or VATUSA Seattle ARTCC Staff Member.


c. Removal for Suspension:


i. A controller may be removed from the roster at the discretion of the ATM/DATM should the controller be suspended from VATSIM in an incident occurring as either a pilot or a controller.


d. Removal for Conduct:


i. A controller may be removed from the roster at the discretion of the ATM/DATM for an incident reported to the ATM/DATM by a VATSIM Network Supervisor, VATUSA Seattle ARTCC Staff Member, or VATUSA Seattle Controller that:


(1). Demonstrates significant disrespect to fellow controllers and/or pilots whether on the VATSIM Network, forums, Discord, email, or any other social media groups/pages involving VATUSA Seattle ARTCC.


(2). Demonstrates significant disrespect to the VATUSA Seattle ARTCC Staff.


(3). Demonstrates significant disrespect for the reputation of the VATUSA Seattle ARTCC within the VATSIM community.

ii. It is up to the discretion of the ATM/DATM to determine whether an incident constitutes significant disrespect.


e. Removal for Inactivity:


i. A student or controller may be removed from the roster at the discretion of the ATM/DATM if they have not connected to the VATSIM Network as any VATUSA Seattle ARTCC operational position for an accumulated time as set forth by APS001 Controller Policy. Only sessions lasting 30 minutes or more will be counted toward the accumulated time. The ATM/DATM shall send a controller removed due to inactivity a “Removal Notification” email letter via email.  The controller shall have 1 week (7 days) to appeal to the ATM/DATM to be restored to the VATUSA Seattle ARTCC Active Controller Roster. The controller shall only be restored at the discretion of the ATM/DATM. A controller restored to the VATUSA Seattle ARTCC Active Controller Roster per this section shall retain all position and equipment ratings.


ii. A controller may be removed from the roster if they have not passed the ZSE Basic SOP Exam within 30 days of joining the ARTCC. A controller may also be removed from the roster if they fail this exam twice and also authorized by the ATM/DATM.


iii. A controller may request the ATM/DATM by email to be placed on “Authorized Leave of Absence (LOA)” status per Controller Policy (ASP_001) (c.)


iv. New controllers holding the rating of Observer who choose VATUSA Seattle ARTCC as their initial ARTCC and/or transfer into the VATUSA Seattle ARTCC from the VATUSA "Removed" roster or another ARTCC must conduct their first training session within two weeks (14 days) of their acceptance date. If the controller is unable to do so they must contact the ATM/DATM via email letting them know the reason why the training session could not have been conducted within the 14-day time frame. Failure to do so will result in immediate removal from the roster.


f. Reactivation to Roster:


i. A VATUSA Seattle ATRCC controller who has been removed for inactivity may apply to rejoin the VATUSA Seattle ARTCC Active Controller Roster by requesting a transfer to VATUSA Seattle ARTCC from the “removed” roster through the VATUSA transfer process.


ii. A visiting controller who has been removed from inactivity may apply to rejoin the visiting roster by contacting the ATM/DATM.


iii. A VATUSA Seattle ARTCC controller or visiting controller who has been removed per the Roster Removal Policy (APS_004) sections 6 (b), (c), (d), or (e), may apply to rejoin the roster by appealing to the ATM/DATM, who reserves the right to deny the appeal.


iv. A controller who is being restored, and has not manned a VATUSA Seattle ARTCC ATC position 6 months prior to the date of restoration, has lost all VATUSA Seattle ARTCC position and equipment ratings and must requalify for them as outlined in the Training Policy (APS-007); this process can be waived by the ATM/DATM's authorization only.