Document Information
Version 1
Created 12/03/2015 20:51
Last Updated 01/06/2017 19:54
by Brayden Manzella

Facility Advisory Board (FAB)




Version 1.00

Facility Advisory Board (FAB)




This ARTCC Policy Statement (APS) describes the organization and responsibilities of VATUSA Seattle ARTCC Facility Board. 




This APS shall be maintained, updated or cancelled by the ARTCC Air Traffic Manger and shall be effective unless there is a conflict with the VATSIM/VATUSA policies in which case, they shall supersede these policies. 




This APS is applicable to VATUSA Seattle ARTCC Staff members, Facility Advisory Board Members, and of informational use to all VATUSA Seattle ARTCC controllers. 








In order to smoothly and efficiently execute the various tasks of the Facility Advisory Board (FAB), FAB members must clearly understand their respective roles and the organization of the FAB and its purpose. This information is listed in this policy statement. 




a. FACILITY ADVISORY BOARD - Is the governing body with oversight over the following documents: 


  • SOPs 
  • APSs
  • Local Procedures



The FAB will be comprised of 10 members who are home controllers at the VATUSA Seattle ARTCC and the structure must be as follows: 


  • Air Traffic Manager (Chairman of the Board) 
  • Deputy Air Traffic Manager (Vice Chairman of the Board) 
  • Training Administrator 
  • Facilities Engineer 
  • Web Master 
  • Events Coordinator 
  • Facility Advisory Board Secretary* 
  • Controller 
  • Controller 
  • Controller 

*One member will serve as FAB Secretary, to be appointed by the FAB as whole. 




1. Chairman of the Board (ATM) 

The VATUSA Seattle ARTCC Air Traffic Manager serves as the Chairman of the FAB, and will officiate all meetings. The Chairman of the Board holds no voting power on matters of business except in the event of a tie, at which time the Chairman will cast a vote to break the tie. In extreme cases the Chairman holds VETO authority over the FAB if he/she feels the matter of topic is not beneficial to the VATUSA Seattle ARTCC, or is in direct conflict with VATSIM/VATUSA Regulations, Policies, or any other applicable matter. 


2. Vice Chairman of the Board (DATM) 

The VATUSA Seattle ARTCC Deputy Air Traffic Manager will serve as Vice Chair to the Chairman. During the Chairman’s absence he/she will assume the responsibilities and authority as described in APS_010 6c1. The Vice Chairman holds voting power, and may vote on any order of business being carried out but the FAB, except during anytime the Vice Chair is acting as Chair in the absence of the ATM.


3. Facility Advisory Board Secretary

The Facility Advisory Board Secretary will be responsible for maintaining all meeting notes including but not limited to: Meeting Minutes, Attendance, Ballot counts, interfacing with the VATUSA Seattle ARTCC Webmaster to update any and all changes to APS, SOP, or Local Procedure Policies on the VATUSA Seattle ARTCC website.

The FAB Secretary will be appointed by the FAB during the 1st meeting of the calendar year, and may be done during regular business by nomination and a second or, through a vote by the FAB of persons who are interested, they will serve as the Secretary for no longer than 1 year from the time of appointment. The FAB Secretary must already be a member of the FAB prior to being appointed and may be any member of the Board except the Chairman of the Board.


4. Training Administrator (TA)

The VATUSA Seattle ARTCC Training Administrator serves as the primary training advisor to the FAB. He/She will advise the FAB on all matters of training regarding the VATUSA Seattle ARTCC, VATUSA, and VATSIM. The TA holds voting authority on all matters of business conducted by the FAB.


5. Facilities Engineer (FE)

The VATUSA Seattle ARTCC Facilities Engineer serves as the primary Facilities advisor to the FAB. He/She will advise the FAB on all matters of Facilities, Flight Simulation, Sector Files, POF Files, Alias Files, all VATSIM radar clients including but not limited to VRC, VSTARS, and all related pilots clients. The Facilities Engineer holds voting authority on all matters of business conducted by the FAB.


6. Webmaster (WM)

The VATUSA Seattle ARTCC Webmaster serves as the primary technology advisor to the FAB. He/She will advise the FAB on all matters concerning but not limited to: VATUSA Seattle ARTCC Website, TeamSpeak Server, and VATUSA Web related materials. The Web Master holds voting authority on all matters of business conducted by the FAB.


7. Events Coordinator (EC)

The VATUSA Seattle ARTCC Events Coordinator will serve as the primary Events and Promotions advisor to the FAB. He/She will advise the FAB on all matters concerning but not limited to: VATUSA Seattle ARTCC Events, Event Ideas, Neighboring ARTCC Event Activity, and Partnership Airlines related material, results of events, and traffic flows for events. The Events Coordinator holds voting authority on all matters of business conducted by the FAB.


8. Controller (Elected Position) / Election Process

The VATUSA Seattle ARTCC will hold annual elections and polling to elect 3 controllers to the FAB who will serve on the FAB for 1 year. The election will be comprised of all home controllers who reside on the roster at the time elections start. The election will be held on the first Friday in January on every calendar year except for the year 2014 to establish the FAB in accordance with these policies and procedures. For the calendar year of 2014 the Elections will be held on November 1st, 2014. Members elected to the board for the year 2014 will server their term until the first Friday in January of 2016.

Controllers will be selected for the FAB based on elections results. The top 3 controllers who have accumulated the most votes will be offered a position on the FAB. The controller receiving the 4th highest accumulation of votes will serve as an Alternate. They will serve on the board in the absence of any other elected controller or board member who cannot attend an FAB meeting. An Alternate will have voting authority on all matters of business conducted by the FAB.

A controller elected to the FAB will advise the FAB of issues related to policy. They will represent their fellow controllers during all meetings, they will be authorized to have input on any topic under discussion by the FAB. Controllers who are elected hold voting authority on all matters of business conducted by the FAB.




a. Eligibility 

To be eligible to be on the ballot for FAB elections controllers must meet the following criteria:

(1) Must be a controller listed on the VATUSA Seattle ARTCC roster as a home controller.

(2) Must hold at least a Student 2 (S2) Rating.

(3) Must have been a member of the VATUSA Seattle ARTCC home roster for no less than 60 days.

(4) No disciplinary action on record with VATUSA, VATSIM or the VATUSA Seattle ARTCC in the past 365 days.

(5) Must be willing to participate and attend at least 2 FAB meetings per year and as needed.

b. Election Process 


On the first Friday of January in every calendar year, the VATUSA Seattle ARTCC will hold elections for appointment to the FAB. Polling will begin at 12:00am on the specified date and will conclude at 11:59pm Pacific time one week from the specified date.


c. Voting


All VATUSA Seattle ARTCC controllers who are home controllers and listed on the VATUSA Roster as a home controller may vote in the elections.


Each controller receives 3 votes and may vote for any three persons they wish on the ballot with the exception of themselves. The votes must be cast for three different names, and a controller may not vote more than 3 times.


d. Ballot Collection 


Ballots will be collected by the FAB Secretary and counted within 48 hours of election closing time.


e. Ballot Count


Ballots will be counted by the FAB Board Secretary who will then turn the results over to the Chairman of the board for certification. The Chairman of the board will verify all ballots and certify the election, and return them to the FAB Secretary for publication. The Chairman shall have the authority to remove any and all results from consideration at his/her discretion.


f. Election Results 


Election results will be posted in the VATUSA Seattle ARTCC Forums as soon as they have been certified and are available for all members to view.


g. Appointment


Controllers who receive the top 3 votes will receive an invitation for appointment to the FAB. Controllers who are elected are not required to take the position, and may forfeit any rights to their ballot counts. Once a controller refuses/rejects an offer for appointment they are permanently removed from consideration until they have prevailed in another election. The 4th highest controller will receive an invitation as an Alternate, and will serve on the board in the absence of others.


8. Annual Meeting Schedule 


a. Meeting Dates 

The FAB will convene at a minimum of 2 times per year, and as needed. Meetings will be held in the VATUSA Seattle ARTCC TeamSpeak and are open for observation by all members of the VATUSA Seattle ARTCC. Meeting dates will be scheduled by the Chairman of the Board, the Vice Chairman or the FAB secretary.


As aviation, and VATSIM are a continually evolving the FAB will also meet as need when revisions of documents, and or policies is required.


All meetings will be scheduled at minimum of 2 weeks in advance as to allow proper preparations, and to allow for proper scheduling to allow all FAB members to attend the meeting.